Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Post on Buzzfeed

Just like every other person on social media, I am addicted to Buzzfeed quizes. Anything from "What kind of tree are you?" to "What celebrity couple are you?", I HAVE TO KNOW!! I don't even want to know the total amount of time I have spent taking those damn things.

However, Buzzfeed offers a great deal of other information that I find useful. It is my go to when I have to find something concise in order to inform myself of things going on in the world. But overall it is a great resource for all sorts of ideas and thoughts.

Today, I found a post on tips for short/curvy girls that I thought was very interesting! With the exception of not using a bat sleeve, I would agree with all of the tips they suggest:

Check it out:  Buzzfeed: 11 simple style tips for short curvy girls

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