Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Khol's Haul

Most of my friends don't believe me that I constantly shop at Khol's. I get such a laugh from their reaction when I answer their question on where I get certain tops they gush about. Truth is, now that Kohl's has lines with Jennifer Lopes, Elle, Lauren Conrad, and Vera Wang, you can find some great fashionable items there all the time. You have to really walk around the store, but there are some great everyday gems that can be found. And most importantly, with all the sale and coupon deals they always have, it makes it absolutely worth it to take a trip there.

I went to Khol's last week to find a top to go to a Journey concert, I ended buying and wearing the coral Lauren Conrad top (#6), but went home with the all the other tops too lol. I posted some pics of me in some of the tops and a caption telling you where I wore them at the end.

Overall, I'm very happy with my finds! They are comfortable and perfect for a relaxed office setting like the one I work at:

on sale: $7.99 (org. $14)
**Note: the pictures do a terrible job of showing the fit of the tees, they actually fit quite nicely. 
I am wearing the floral one today so I took a selfie for you to see it on me. See end of post.

on sale: $14.99 (org. $30)

on sale: $17.99 (org. $38)

on sale: $17.99 (org. $36)

on sale: $23.99 (org. $48)

on sale: $26.99 (org. $36)

I don't have photos of me in every top, mainly because I am terrible at remembering to take pictures, but here are some of them being used:

The last one (stripped Elle top #7), I wore on my birthday. I was so toasted, 
I forgot to take a pic of me in it but my friend provided me with this pic. 
Please excuse my drunken mess lol

 The white/floral Lauren Corand top (#5) I wore to an art show, this
is the only picture I have from that day: 

You can't really see the top at all, but here is my boyfriend
and I at the Journey concert!! If you have never seen them live, I
highly suggest you do!! They are phenomenal!!!!!

I REALLY DESPISE taking selfies!!! You can tell by my face in this pic that I
am NOT enjoying it lol. Regardless, here is a pic of me in the floral Sonoma Tee (#2). I will
actually be going to see a Journey cover band after work so I will hopefully remember to take photos 
so I can post them! 

This post was much longer than I anticipated! Nevertheless, thank you so much for reading! don't forget to comment with questions or opinions! Also check out my Instagram page for more pics: marita_soler

Happy Wednesday!!


Post on Buzzfeed

Just like every other person on social media, I am addicted to Buzzfeed quizes. Anything from "What kind of tree are you?" to "What celebrity couple are you?", I HAVE TO KNOW!! I don't even want to know the total amount of time I have spent taking those damn things.

However, Buzzfeed offers a great deal of other information that I find useful. It is my go to when I have to find something concise in order to inform myself of things going on in the world. But overall it is a great resource for all sorts of ideas and thoughts.

Today, I found a post on tips for short/curvy girls that I thought was very interesting! With the exception of not using a bat sleeve, I would agree with all of the tips they suggest:

Check it out:  Buzzfeed: 11 simple style tips for short curvy girls