Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Update and Redirection

Based on what I've read in this blog, the last time it's been updated was in 2014. My life and interests are so different than back then. I've changed so much and have grown tremendously. Since 2014, I've relocated to Phoenix, AZ, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed, and have redirected my career in a completely different field. It's been a whirlwind, but I wouldn't change a thing.

My original plans for this blog (back when I was in my early twenties) was to showcase everyday fashion for the short, curvy, broke girl. Fashion and style were my only interests at the time. I had nothing else going for me. I had a dead end job, no money, and still living at home with mom and dad. The start of a new relationship was probably the only exciting thing going on with me at the time. 

Today, at the ripe age of 30, I have finally reached happiness and live a life I'm excited to live. My fiancée and I are getting married in 3 months. We live in Phoenix where we dedicate our lives to work, our little furry child, and living life outdoors. Since getting engaged, I made a huge lifestyle change, I eat healthy and keep active. As a matter of fact, I've adopted running as a new hobby/passion. I will be running my first 5k ever in a few weeks and honestly, I cannot wait!! When I first started on this journey, I was focused on getting skinny for the wedding. However, fitness and health have become fun, and I now enjoy seeing the result of what I do to my body. I love challenging myself and seeing what my body is capable of doing! We human beings have so much strength, I'm just figuring it out now.

In the past few years, I developed a passion for cooking! And lately, I've become very motivated to develop easy and healthy recipes I can make fast. You see, I work 10 hour days, I'm gone from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm every day, including my commute. Then I come home, go to the gym, shower, cook, meal prep for the next day, and then finally eat. Life is hectic! But we gotta make it work.

With than being said, this is the direction I want to take this blog. I want to bring my life to the table. Not just clothes. I will continue to blog about outfits, and make up, and accessories, and shoes, and all those things that make us women so happy. But I also want you to get to know the real me and my life. I want this blog to be well rounded, to include fitness, food, decor, advise, etc. I want it to be an escape, a place where you can come and find answers. Life is crazy and unpredictable, let's figure it out together! Stay tuned for more!