Friday, January 18, 2013

Bad hair day turned good

This morning my hair looked terrible! And just like most mornings, I had no time or patience to deal with it. I quickly sprayed some leave-in-conditioner (Infusium) to bring it back to life and tossled it with some mousse (Dove ultra moisture with curl booster- my fav mousse) and ran out the door. Somehow, it set into this fun and laid back hair style. The girls at my office keep asking about it so I think I'm getting the stamp of approval! What do you thing?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

OOTD #10/ update on life

I apologize for not posting anything in a long time. I've been super busy with a new job.. Yes, A NEW JOB!! I love my job and learn new things everyday! It's so much fun and I'm lucky to work with an amazing group of people.

Biggest change for me other than my job is the fact that I am no longer single!! I am dating the greatest guy that makes me feel so special. More about him to come ;)

Hope you are all doing well, I will be responding to emails soon so be on the look out for those!

Here is what I wore for Sunday funday! Hope you all enjoy your weekend :)